WHERE? Various places/times.
See all the details below.
Chanukah is here! It brings with it its message of light and warmth just in time for the cold winter months.
Just like the Maccabees, Chanukah reminds us that life's darkest moments and greatest challenges can be brightened with steadfast faith and determination.
Below, are a list of public menorah lightings, their times, and places. Join your neighbors for one or all of the lightings. It's beautiful when Jewish community joins together for these public celebrations.
All the public menorah lightings are Free of Charge.
During each lighting ceremony:
- Sufganiyot (donuts) or latkes
- Chanukah Chocolate Gelt
- Dreidels for the kids
- Hot cocoa or apple cider
- Lively Chanukah music
- Short timely messages from community leaders & government officials
- Good Jewish happy cheer!
Look out for the public menorahs which will be displayed throughout Chanukah at each location, bringing Chanukah cheer and warmth to our community:
- First Night:
Chabad @Milford, MA: Wed., Dec. 25th, 3:00pm
Enjoy Chinese Dinner and Menorah Lighting at 3:30pm
34 Cedar Street, Milford
- Second Night:
Holliston, MA Town Hall: Thurs., Dec. 26th, 5:00pm
Click here for Holliston Town hall address/directions
Millis, MA Town Hall: Wed., Dec. 25th, 6:30pm
Click here for Millis town hall address/directions)
- Third Night:
Milford, MA Chabad House: Fri., Dec., 27, 3:45pm
Email to reserve for the menorah lighting and/or Shabbos dinner. to join the Chanukah party)
- Fourth Night:
Wrentham, MA Gilly's House: Sat., Dec. 28, 6:30pm
Click here for Gilly's House address/directions)
- Fifth Night:
Medway, MA Choate Park: Sun., Dec. 29, 3:30pm
Click here for Choate Park address/directions)
Fifth Night:
Franklin, MA Town Common: Sun. Dec. 29, 4:15pm
Click here for Franklin Common address/directions)
Fifth Night:
Wrentham, MA Town Common: Sun. Dec. 29, 5:15pm
Click here for Wrentham Common address/directions)