Shalom and Welcome to our Shul
Imagine worshipping in an atmosphere of total inclusion and acceptance, where you are welcome, in fact encouraged, to ask questions , and where you are implored to be as nonjudgmental of your neighbor as he or she is of you. This is the atmosphere that has been created in our Shul in Milford which we call home.
Shabbos Service
Our Shabbos services are traditional. They are led by various members of our community, and chanted by members of our minyan. Our prayer books are written in both Hebrew and English with all instructions in English. All the announcements, instructions and sermons are also in English.
Services are conducted primarily in Hebrew, with some English passages sprinkled in for further understanding. At Chabad the language you use for prayer or the pace you set for yourself are not of paramount importance. The page numbers are announced throughout so that you may choose to follow along with the cantor and songs. Please connect with the day and with G‑d and with your own soul in whatever personal manner suits you best.
The tunes are familiar ones, and they are sung by those of us who know the words and by those of us who can only hum along, with all the gusto befitting the joy of Shabbat.
D'var Torah
Each week, our Rabbi, Rabbi Mendy enlightens us by expounding upon the meaning of the Torah section we have just completed. Rabbi Kivman guides each of us on a weekly journey from ancient times to the present, by opening our eyes not merely to the words in the Holy Book, but to the unspoken allegories the words reflect. Shabbos after Shabbos, he synthesizes the Torah stories and directives, and relates their messages so that we may grow from them as we incorporate them into our contemporary hectic lifestyles. Remarkably, his message manages to be universal and personal simultaneously, and touches each of us, regardless of the mile markers on our individual spiritual highways.
Please join us for our weekly Kiddush immediately following the service. The kosher Kiddush is provided on a volunteer basis by members of our minyan who may have a simcha to celebrate, a milestone to mark, or a family member they wish to honor. Our Kiddush affords us a collective opportunity to partake of Rebbetzin Rochy's most delicious and widely praised "Cholent", to share the news of the week, relax into the Shabbos tempo, and enjoy the warmth and companionship that emanate from this community.